About Me​

I am Sara Martínez

In my engineering journey through the corporate world, spanning from Spain to Poland and finally landing in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, I found myself constantly concealing my sensitivity. It seemed like showing any hint of vulnerability was a taboo in the fast-paced professional environment I inhabited. Despite excelling outwardly in my career and personal pursuits like dancing, yoga, and running, internally, I was crumbling.

Each day felt like a battle against my own nature, leaving me drained and empty. Little things that others overlooked deeply affected me, and meaningful connections felt elusive. I found solace in overworking and overtraining, unaware that I was spiraling into an eating disorder and near burnout.

The turning point came when even my passion for salsa, the reason for my move to Amsterdam, lost its spark. Seeking help, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, embracing my sensitivity and prioritizing self-care through yoga, meditation, and health coaching studies.

Through this profound transformation, I’ve not only learned to embrace my sensitivity but to wield it as a powerful tool. Now, as a holistic health coach, I empower highly sensitive individuals to do the same—transforming their perceived weaknesses into undeniable strengths. It’s time to reclaim your inner power and unlock your full potential through the gift of sensitivity.

Alongside my commitment to holistic health coaching, I proudly share my love for salsa through both in-person and online dance classes.

Join me on a transformative journey where every step leads to empowerment and growth. Explore the endless possibilities awaiting you – Let’s take action and make it happen together!

Visit the private classes section for more information on how we can embark on this journey together. Let’s embrace our passions and unlock our potential, one step at a time.



  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (2023)
  • 200h Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) by the Yoga and More School (2021)
  • MsC Mechanical Engineering  by the High Engineering School of Vigo and the University of Krakow (2015)
  • Sports Coach I by the Spanish Sports Federation (2011)

For a more exhaustive list on my certifications and working experience visit my LinkedIN profile.

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